- Work with Town Council and Town staff at our local level to protect and preserve the island we all love.
- Prioritize people and community – our residents, families, aging loved ones, and first responders – in all that we do.
- Put our environment and quality of life at the top of the list in decision-making.
- Work with law enforcement and the James Island Public Service District to make our community safer, free from neighborhood crime, overflowing drainage ditches, and dangerous cut-through traffic.
- To be transparent in all we do at the Town of James Island. We must always be mindful that James Island is the peoples’ Town and the peoples’ government.
I want to be clear: I am not a politician. I’m a community advocate who has always worked hard to listen to my fellow residents of James Island and do what is right for our Town. After serving for 11 years on the Town’s Board of Zoning Appeals, I am honored to run for Mayor to continue listening and doing what’s right for James Island.